Category: Women’s Spirituality

Notes from the Edges of Everything: On women’s descent into the dark 3/7/24

In times of darkness and chaos, we are called to embrace the Magic—the goddess-stuff that hums beneath the surface, guiding us to create a life that is our own mythological journey. It’s in the midst of struggle that we find the strength to practice self-love, connect with others, and navigate the depths of our being, just like the goddesses and women of ancient tales. (2 minute read)

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Spellcasting Through the Ethnobotanical: Chokecherry

It is September, and the berries are black, heavy, sweet (ish), and ripe. The sky is no longer August blue but September blue, and if you look at the sky often enough, you know the difference. Green is fading from the landscape, bits of yellow in its place. The Quaking Aspen leaves take on a new sound despite still appearing green. It’s a hollowness in their susurration (say this spell with me, feel the way it sounds on your lips: susurration). There is a crisp lightness where a heavy lushness used to be. A thinning of their essence.

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